To submit your abstract, full-paper for presentation at this conference, click here. The most significant dates to keep in your calendar are as follows:
Submit your abstract by………………
Pay the registration fee by……………..
The conference will be held during …………………..September 2019.
Email your manuscript formatted in line with this template to ((our email) and an attachment for sample of how the paper will look, as we have on our journal) after your online submission is accepted and before…….. July 2019.
*The proceedings and journals will be published in late December 2019.
Within a few days of receiving your online abstract submission, we will notify you of the reviewers’ acceptance or rejection, for the conference. If we notify you that it is an acceptance and you would like to publish your investigation, follow the model format here and email us your formatted abstract or full manuscript in Microsoft Word. You may do so up to a few weeks after the conference.
Abstracts and reviewed articles will be published in the proceedings entitled Conference of the Canadian Tech-Institute For Academic Research on Interdisciplinary Studies.
Full-length manuscripts may be published in our refereed journals electronically available through our publishing consortium. The review process for the journals is slower and more demanding in its standards. Although both the proceedings and journals are refereed, research that meets the refereed standards for the conference and the proceedings may not meet the refereed standards for the journals. The selection of a journal, if any, for a manuscript is entirely at the discretion of the editorial board members following the reviewers’ suggestions. All the journals and proceedings are in electronic format since this makes it easier to disseminate the articles (click here for a sample article) to international scholars.
Our Journals (Our Journals may need to be mentioned or listed here) articles are indexed/accessed in WorldCat, Ulrich’s Serials Directory, Cabell’s Directories, Crossref, SCOPUS, Google Scholar, Index Copernicus, Sherpa/Romeo, DOAJ, EBSCO HOST, Erihplus (European Reference Index for the Humanities And Social Sciences),, Advanced Sciences Index, CNKI Scholar, Goethe Universitat Frankfurt am main, HEIDI (Catalogue for libraries of Heidelberg University), University of Saskatchewan, e.t.c
There is no page limit on articles to be published in our journals. We welcome both short and lengthy submissions. We don’t impose a financial penalty on lengthy manuscripts, but different is the case for proceeding. Each registered author, irrespective of whether he or she submits a formatted manuscript for publication, will receive a Certificate of Participation at the conference.
PowerPoint Presentations
At the conference, the presentation room will be equipped with a laptop, a digital projector, and a projector screen. The laptop will be set up for PowerPoint presentations. Linux and Mac users are asked to save their presentations in a compatible format.