We welcome you to the International Scientific Conference on Management Information Systems (ISCMIS ’20) to be held on the 17 – 18 September 2020 at Near East University. This year’s theme “MIS (“Evolving Innovations and application of MIS in the changing world of Digital, industry 4.0.”) highlights the presentation of new (popular things), advances and research in all areas of Management Information System.

ISCMIS ’20 calls for paper presentations from educated people, (professionals or skilled people), and students for an important international. All submitted papers will be reviewed by experts in the field based on the judging requirements of (quality of being fresh and new), importance, quality and clearness. Accepted papers presented in this will be thought about/believed published in Going ahead/moving forward Conference Series and International Journal (Scopus Indexing), after the formal review process and English Proofreading.